Thursday, March 24, 2016

MIDI Week Singles: "BGM - Caught Red Handed" - Mighty Switch Force (3DS)

"BGM - Caught Red Handed" from Mighty Switch Force on the Nintendo 3DS (2011)
Composer: Jake Kaufman
Label: Self Released
Developer: Way Forward Technologies

I picked up Mighty Switch Force through Humble's Nindie Bundle they put together for Nintendo's eShop last year in June and finally got around to playing it within the last week or two.  This track "BGM [Background Music] - Caught Red Handed" is the music that played during Stage 1 (referred to as "Incident 1" in-game) and it's stuck with me since.  The rest of the soundtrack is quite good and in a very similar, catchy and upbeat vein, but this track in particular seems to work very well with the character animation, particularly when there's open room to run without any enemies in the very beginning of the stage.  It's just something about the way the character runs with her shoulders hunched over, the gun pointed down by her feet, whatever's attached to her back wagging back and forth while this dubstep-esque-ish tune goes on in the background, at least for the first 14 seconds.  After that, it's somewhat akin to music Mega Man's fellow crime fighting cousin might have playing in the background.

This being my first game scored by Mr. Jake Kaufman, I am likely to listen to what else he has to offer and it looks like his bandcamp page has most of what he's composed recently, so I have quite a selection to choose from.  Damn, the intertubes are awesome!


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