Friday, July 3, 2015

Monthly Update: July 2015

Hello all.  With our new digs, I briefly thought about redesigning a Monthly Update logo, but then July snuck up on me out of nowhere so we're going to with a sure thing.  And welcome to our newer, fresher, lower calorie site!

But I post to you today from the barren wasteland of Half Moon Bay, California.  It's not a wasteland though as there's that massive body of salinated dihydrogen mono-oxide off to the west.  I say wasteland because of the 12 hours that I've recently sunk into Fallout.  I was inspired to revisit this game after Bethesda's announcement at E3 that Fallout 4 will be released later this year.  I had tried a couple of times to play the first game (the first three from Interplay; noone counts Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel apparently) and each time I would become too worried about messing up the story by doing something wrong which would lead me to being too anxious and I would eventually just quit.  This time around, I've gotten past my previous hump (the water chip) and I'm running full bore into the unknown.

Last month I was also re-inspired to pick up (again) Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition, all thanks to the new Extra Credits series "Side Quest" where James Portnow and Dan Floyd go through Dark Souls (the console version for what it's worth) and give densign commentary while playing the game.  This early part of the game reminded me that I really liked the look and feel of the game while apparently glancing over the smaller design related aspects of the game (seeing/hearing monsters lying in wait prior to an ambush).  So last  month I sunk another 22 hours into the game while not schooling during the week and-a-half between Spring and Summer Sessions.

In non-gaming related bits, I started painting again.  I mounted a number of the Reaper Bones miniatures that people have been using during our D&D campaign and I've wanted to have them painted before our next session (next Sunday), and while I think I might've bitten off a bit more than I could chew, I do have all next week (between real world assignments) to finish up.  Pictures (most definitely not in the form of a tutorial) might be posted later on in the month.

And then there's been Gog's release of their own video game client, Galaxy, of which there will be an article later in the month.

The month of July will probably be a continuation of June's activities, and again, welcome to our new Stage Select Start site.


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