Friday, October 2, 2015

Monthly Update: October 2015

You know, I don't really have a lot to talk about, which I find rather sad in some respects, but normal in others.  Which others you ask?  The Dungeons  Dragons related kind.  I spent most of September writing an unofficial D&D quest.  It's not a long one (intentionally) and it (presently) comes out to 49 pages, or 25 front and back pages, including a title page, credits, dedication page, the story, numerous pictures, and the monster guide.  And looking at the three D&D books I do have, 49 pages isn't a lot.  But again, it's meant to be a short(ish) quest.  Possibly more on that later.

I think I might temporarily putting the kibosh on Fallout Tactics as I've found that I'm becoming too frustrated with inching people forward to try and draw out an aggressor.  Plus, as was the case with the first Fallout, the game likes to pause/freeze about every minute coinciding with performing an action, (the sound/music doesn't stop mind you) then the game continues again.  The only time this became annoying/aggravating was when I was attacking or being attacked by mutants.  And trust me, I've given Fallout Tactics a fair amount of my time (41 hours).

A few days I was browsing through POV/FPS horror games (Amnesia, Doom 3) and noticed that there were a good number that were short free to play games, some of which I already had installed (which both surprised and pleased me).  I think my plan for October, this month of implied scariness, is to go through as many of these free games.  My list is currently at nine games, three of which I've played, one I've completed, two I've dappled a bit with and one of those two, I cannot alter the y-axis for the mouse, which might be a deal breaker and I seriously cannot move the mouse to look up without feeling like I'm fucking up.  So with four Mondays and four Fridays for the rest of the month, I think I might be able to make this happen, but if it doesn't. . .then I guess it doesn't happen.

Still on the horror front, we saw The Visit earlier in the week and I very much enjoyed the movie.  Despite the fact that both IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes (fuck Rotten Tomatoes and their often pretentious ratings by the way) give the movie roughly 65% rating, there was a lot that I liked and provided a couple of days discussion between Conklederp and myself about the role of mental illness, how it was depicted in the film and how we felt that elderly people were not demonized in the way that a lot of people have claimed.  Also, I would like to know the clues/cues that allowed people to figure out the entire plot of the movie within the first 5 minutes the first time they watched the movie.  Anyway, a great film by Mr. Shyamalan with an amazing performance by Deanna Dunagan.

I think that's all I want to talk about right now, but as I said, I feel like I don't have a lot to relate at the moment.  Too much brain workings are focused on what classwork I need to have finished before the weekend commences (because us mid 30 somethings gosta parties too).  Actually we don't.

And now to head back to the real world.


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