Wednesday, October 19, 2016

MIDI Week Singles: "Ghost Mansion BGM" - Super Mario World (SNES)

"Ghost Mansion BGM" from Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1991)
Composer: Koji Kondo
Developer: Nintendo EAD

I thought about using this song for today's article because "World Clear Fanfare" came up the other day, and I immediately though that "Ghost Mansion BGM" would be a perfect selection for this month.

One of the things that I love about "Ghost Mansion BGM" is that it is never able to fully make it through the main theme from Super Mario World, which is first used as the "Overworld BGM" in the first stage (Yoshi Island 1).  It's almost like the creepy  piano-esque tone of the "do-do-dee-do" and the "aaaahhhh" ghostly noise are too much for the melody to continue and it cuts off after a few bars.  I just think it's a pretty cool way of presenting a song that you will have heard at least two variations of by the time you reach the first Ghost House (Donut Ghost House in the Donut Plains), which is probably why my brain "recalls" hearing the entire Overworld BGM in the Ghost House, but that is actually not the case.

So enjoy this slightly creepy and exceedingly nostalgic diddy from the ever great Koji Kondo.


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