"Ending Theme" from Final Fantasy III/VI on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1994)
Composer: Nobuo Uematsu
Record Label: Squaresoft
Game Developer: Square
When I was thinking what song to do for the last MIDI Week Single of the year, I decided to limit my search to ending themes or music played over the credits. The "Ending Theme" from Final Fantasy VI (III on the SNES here in the US) was a pretty easy choice as it is not only one of my favorite ending themes, but one of my favorite songs from a video game.
What I love about this track in particular is that Nobuo Uematsu doesn't rehash each character's theme, but slightly rearranges them in order for the song to blend into the next song. Shadow's Theme in particular sounds the most different from his theme during the game, but I am so okay with it that whenever I watch the credits and the story being told as the characters are escaping from Kefka's Tower, that I get emotional. As Relm's theme is finishing, I know what song is coming up and I feel a tightening in my chest. A similar feeling comes about during Celes' theme as it transitions to Locke's theme in all of its slowed down fanfaric glory and is all the more meaningful when you know of his backstory with Rachel.
I absolutely love Final Fantasy VI/III and listening to this track in particular only reinforces how powerful of a game this was when I first played in 21 years ago and how much I would love to go through it again.