It has been about eight years since I last played God of Blades on my Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini, but when I was, there were a surprising number of fun games that I dabbled in. God of Blades, an auto-running hack and slash was one of those. A strange science-fiction fantasy game with pulp-fiction covers between chapters with esoteric-sounding music that would play in the background that was present enough during the clangs and chunks of one-on-one combat for the game to feel more complete. Comprised of two songs with the second* (starting at 0:37) song playing during the first chapter as you learned the mechanics and basic techniques to kill your enemies and not (so frequently) die. The baseline that runs through the majority of the song is perfectly suited for an auto-running game keeping you from feeling like you are going to fall behind, pushing you forwards, and the Hammond Organ (around 1:08) you cannot say anything bad about.
Seriously, if you say anything bad about the Hammond Organ (or whatever organ is being simulated here) you can take that opinion and leave with the horse you rode in on.
*P.S. I, unfortunately, have not been able to find out where the first part of the song, the "Murmurs of the Fallen Gods" played in-game
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