Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Monthly Update - April '16

Good Evening Ladies and Germs,  

I'm here to say hello, and to give you a rough breakdown of my last month of media consumption.  I like these posts because it gives me an excuse to ramble, and sometimes I find I talk about things I want to talk about, or have the occasional insight.  It happens!

It happens that I read the first graphic novel in the Sandman series by Neil Gaiman.  I first discovered this series about ten years ago, and have been meaning to read it ever since.  So one day I requested it from the library and got started.  So far it's pretty interesting.  This first book was much more gruesome than I expected, containing a trip to hell, which is a nasty place, and also what Gaiman described as 'the only true horror story I've written' [paraphrasing].  I'm definitely interested in reading more, so I've got the next two books coming to my local library branch.  In the meantime, I'm reading 'Snowcrash' by Neil Stephenson, which is an early 90s cyberpunk novel.  So far, it's pretty entertaining.  Dated, and yet still fairly relevant, conceptually.  I'm excited to see how things develop; I'm still pretty early in this book.

On the board gaming front, Jane bought a couple new games, including a game called Suspend and Dominion: Intrigue expansion.  This Dominion expansion is pretty fun and interesting.  It really expands the game and gives me an idea of how people can go all nuts for this series of games.  However, I've already got one card game obsession, which is Magic the Gathering, and I just can't shake it.  Magic gets new expansions every three months or so, which really keeps you on the hook.  In the meantime, I've started making my own drafting cube, which has been a fun project, and what I hope to do more of in the future. 

On the television, it's been lots of Superheroes.  Finally saw Ant Man-  I liked it!  It was fun and slightly generic.  Just as expected.  I've also been watching Daredevil, even though I don't really like it that much.  I'm just getting really sick of everything being 'dark and gritty.'  It's like they decided Daredevil should be Batman instead.  Okay, it's not exactly like that, but kind of like that.  I did make it to season 2, where Shane from Walking Dead plays the Punisher, and is pretty great.  I don't know if I'll keep watching.

Video games, alas, are a footnote again for me.  I play Mario Maker every few days, and I play 80 days with Jane.  I've got my eye on some other games, and I'm always collecting cool-looking indie games for the Pak Watch segment.   Twitter is my primary source for these game previews, as I believe I have mentioned in the past. 

Okay, well, it's time to void my bowels and head to work, where I will repeat that process until the aching in my gut goes away.

Have a nice day,


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