Friday, August 19, 2016

First Impressions: Vertiginous Golf (PC)

Causing vertigo, especially by being extremely high or steep.

A club and ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible.  It does not fucking stand for "Gentleman Only, Ladies Forbidden!"  For fuck sake, stop spreading that shit!

I forget when I picked up Vertiginous Golf, but I am very glad that I did.  I have only played a handful of the courses and if you are one who enjoys either regular 18-hole golf, Wii Sports golf, mini golf, steam punk golf (it might as well be a thing), obstacle course golf, or a good dystopian setting told through bits of story throughout the course of play, then I would highly recommend Vertiginous Golf.

From what I can tell, there are two sides to Vertiginous Golf.  When I started the game, it was simple enough that you are in POV mode, outside in the rain in front of a storefront:

Yeah, just like this one.
Coupled with the menu system, I was pretty sure that the golfing part, which according to the parts of the trailer that I could remember, were up in the sky meant that you would be transported to this high rise obstacle golf course up in the clouds.  I was not prepared for how the transportation actually took place:

"Don't Let Them Bring You Down!"
This game got pretty dark, even before any golfing took place.  Without taking the flittering metallic humming bird into account, this picture alone, of a young (possibly teenage) bald girl who is decked out in golfing attire that will make no difference in a semi-virtual and some form of programmed electroconvulsive therapy.  Also, why is she bald?  I presume it is due to some kind of Vitamin-D deficiency?  This shocking form of transportation (groan) happens each time you start a round of golf, so there really is no way to not watch your player be shocked into virtual Utopian world that doesn't suck like the one you find yourself in, day in and day out.  

And look how pretty this game is too!
This is the shinier, happier side of Vertiginous Golf.  The golfing part of the game consists of a number of playing modes which include local multiplayer, online multiplayer, speed golf, standard putt-putt, story mode, and maybe a few others that I have either not tried yet or have forgotten.  And this portion of Vertiginous Golf is very much fun.  A lot of the later stage courses become ridiculous displays of "How in the hell!?"  But that is only if you are trying to figure out how to hole-in-one shot the particular hole; which I would not be surprised if there is some complicated way of doing it for each hole.

The story mode though is when the game continues on with the darkness that the avatar being shocked into VR briefly hints at, and is something that I was not at all expecting, yet was quick to enjoy.

Finally, just to prove that I don't suck at this game, here's my scorecard from my first solo round:

The one issue both Conklederp and I encountered with the game, but only on the first time playing, was that while using the mouse to determine the power used to hit the ball (the meter on the right of the screen) was a bit sticky.  It seemed that even the slightest movement would jump the power up by notches as opposed to pixels; basically, it was not smooth.  After closing the game and booting it up again, the mouse/power was a lot smoother and hitting short shots became a lot easier and a lot less frustrating.

So if dystopian mini-golf on an obstacle course in the clouds, I would highly recommend Vertiginous Golf; I unable to comment on the "Gold Pack" which adds "exclusive customization items for your avatar, hummingbird and clubs. PLUS awesome gold surfaces, gold metal and two gold statues to use in the Course Creator" to the base game, but it sounds like purely cosmetic changes.  So the $5 uptick in price is probably purely for developer support, which I am all for (if I was in the possession of more funds than I currently have).


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