Wednesday, August 17, 2016

MIDI Week Singles: "Raging Sea" - Crystalis (NES)

"Raging Sea" from Crystalis on the Nintendo Entertainment System (1990)
Composer: Yoko Osaka
Album: No Official Release
Developer: SNK

While looking through the list of games that I had already posted music from, I was somewhat surprised that I had not chosen anything from Crystalis, a game that I played a lot back in 1992 - '93.  While listening through the music from the 1990 NES game (as opposed to the 2000 Game Boy Color remake with music by Lawrence Schwedler), I was able to recall some of the music, but it didn't have that nostalgic lift that I often get when I listen to other NES games such as Gauntlet, or even Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.  

However, when I got to "Raging Sea," my ears perked up.  While the song itself was not immediately recognizable, I was immediately drawn to the melody at around the 25 second mark.  And then it came back to me.  Not the specific instance when "Raging Sea" played in the game (which I admittedly cannot remember), but the fun I had while playing Crystalis, the exploring of the world for the four swords, changing into an Amazonian in order to continue with the quest.  I had a lot of fun with Crystalis.

On a side note, I feel that this song has a strong Mega Man tone to it and I could easily see it in a more action oriented game.  Which got me looking into composer Yoko Osaka's history, where I found out that she was one of three composers on the NES port of  Ikari III: The Rescue, and that run-and-gun sense, I feel is very present in this song.


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