Wednesday, September 20, 2017

MIDI Week Singles: "End of the Night" - Darkwood (PC)

"End of the Night" from  Darkwood on the PC (2017)
Composer: Artur Kordas
Album: Darkwood
Developer: Acid Wizard Studio

I fully recognize that this is not so much a song as it is a chord that is held out for nearly a minute, but in Darkwood, I am able to breath a massive sigh of relief whenever this contextual track comes up.

Darkwood kinda plays like a stereotypical horror movie, think Evil Dead, in that during daylight, you are protected from being attacked by anything besides potentially broken people and coyotes (at least those are the options for me where I am currently at in the game).  The house I call home is safe when the sun is up.  When the sun goes down, I have witnessed doors opening on their own, people appearing on the bed and weeping about their losses, deranged humanoids climbing through windows to attack after lighting flares outside the window, and even non-corporeal apparitions flying through boarded up windows.  As the night ends, the first sign of dawn is not the red light of the sun, but the rising tones of "End of the Night," and it is at this point that I am able to finally relax.  At least for a few seconds before I have to go back out into the woods to explore, and wait for it to happen all over again when the sun begins to set.


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