Monday, September 3, 2018

Monthly Update: September 2018

Well, September has finally arrived and with it, Nintendo's release of their paid online service.  I have been reading a bit of speculation from online sources about, going into the minutia about what all will be included beyond already what Nintendo has announced.  For instance, what exactly will be part of the Special Offers?  Will eight different people on eight different Switches across the country be able to take advantage of the Family Plan, or is it up to eight accounts on a single Switch?  There is a lot that is simply not covered in their FAQs, or covered in as much detail as some people, myself included, would like out of Nintendo, especially this late in the online game.  So I guess we will just have to wait and see come mid to late September to get some/most/all of the answers.

And because I know you want to know how my gaming life is going, I just reached the flotilla in Dead Space 3 after having completed the first two games (DS on Easy, DS2 on Normal, and DS3 on Normal).  I have also reached a pretty decent game plan going into Week 6 in Fortnite.  Primarily playing in the evening after the daily challenge has been released so I can decide if I want to keep it or trade it for another one, because Play with a Friend is not always possible when you are a semi-anti-social introvert that does not interact much with people online to begin with.  In One Strike, I have managed to conquer Japan in two modes on Easy and I think that I am finally getting a feel for the various fighters and am able to recognize their tells for when they are attacking or when their defense is about to stop.

Then there is of course Battle Chasers: Nightwar where I play in large chunks a couple of times per week.  I have found the pacing and leveling in the game to be quite interesting, and more different than other RPGs and JRPGs that I have played in the past.  Here, it is very obvious when the game wants the player to move onto the next area, by either not awarding any experience points after a battle, simply allowing you to pass over enemies on the world screen, or offering you minuscule amounts of experience points that would require many hours of grinding in order to level up.  So the only option is to either move on, or try that dungeon again on a higher difficulty setting (which may or may not be a fruitful and productive endeavor).

As we are approaching the fall seasons (and by extension October), and probably also brought on by playing through the Dead Space series again, I feel like my hankering for some horror games is going to creep up on my psyche again.  At least I have both the Layers of Fears DLC Inheritance, Hollow which is a sci-fi horror game.  And it was announced last week that Bloober Team's recent game >observer_ when they released the trailer, although a release date has not been given yet.  And of course there is Outlast II which I would still like to pick up for the switch, again to support horror games on the system, but mainly because (and again), I do not think my computer could run it well enough for it to be entertaining.

Lastly, Conklederp and I recently finished watching an odd show on Netflix called Occult Crimes, and started watching Matt Groening's new show Enchantment, which I will definitely be writing about sometime this month.

So, let's leave it there for right now.  I've got 70+ episodes of The Clone Wars to rewatch.


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