Wednesday, July 24, 2019

MIDI Week Singles: "Heroic Feats" - Burly Men At Sea (NS, PS4/PSV, PC, Mac, iOS)

"Heroic Feats" from Burly Men at Sea on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/Vita, PC, Mac, iOS (2016)
Composer: Plied Sound
Label: Self Released (Bandcamp)
Publisher: Plug in Digital
Developer: Brain&Brain

This track, only heard at least once, probably more after you complete various stories, happens after you finish the game.  At least the first time anyway.

Burly Men at Sea is an odd and charming game that allows and kind of requires multiple playthroughs.  It is built into the mechanic, so if you stop playing after the first time you reach the credits and hear this song, you will probably feel cheated out of however much you paid for this game on whichever platform you are playing it on.

What I like about this song, is that it kind of ties together the experience of playing through the story at the end, or at least at the first ending.  In the game, all of the sound effects are done with voices as opposed to traditional foley work.  There is a voice literally saying "ting-ting-clang" when you come across a black smith.  A lot of the music in the game is performed on instruments so it was nice to hear the closing song once again done by only voices; there are other a capella in the game as well so this is not the only track to make use of this.

I want to believe that there are only three voices singing this final song, coupled with the fact that it is called "Heroic Feats" which is what our three burly bearded brothers are after the whole time.  However, for whatever reason, my ear cannot tell if there are three voices, three parts, or eight people singing four and-a-half parts.  Better ears are needed I guess, but I still envision our three bearded protagonists sitting around a table after one of their adventures singing this song.

And I hope you enjoy this song from a game that is being played for a short while before I drift off to slumberland.


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