"Overworld BGM" from Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1990), Game Boy Advance (2001), & Nintendo 3DS (2016)
Composer: Koji Kondo
Album: Super Mario World
Label: Warner-Pioneer
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Nintendo EAD
It has been a couple of weeks since our last MIDI Week Singles post, as well as our last regular post, which will be covered in Friday's article. But as we return to a semi-regular posting schedule, I wanted to use a song just for the pure joy of the music, without trying to make any kind of statement with the song, or from a game that either myself or Dr. Potts are currently playing. So my mind went to Super Mario World, and the "Overworld BGM" being the main theme that so many of the other themes in the game are based around. From "Underworld BGM" to "Underwater BGM" to "Athletic" (the second overworld theme), to a number of others in the game. This is the primary building block for the majority of the music in the game, and possibly because of that fact, we have not covered it yet in our weekly series.
Which is why I thought that it would be the perfect song after our two-week absence. To me, this song is pure joy, and what I still consider to be the pinnacle of 2D platforming, both in terms of world design, music, and nostalgia. And right now, this is what I personally need, and if it is something y'all need too, then have at.
~JWfW/JDub/Cooking Crack/Jaconian
The Prophecy Was Written
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