Wednesday, November 3, 2021

MIDI Week Singles: "Upper Mountain" - Tintin in Tibet (GB)


"Upper Mountain" from Tintin in Tibet on the Game Boy (1995)
Composer: Alberto Jose González
Album: No Official Release
Publisher: Infrogames Multimedia
Developer: Bit Manager

I have never played a Tintin game but I did read one of the comics back in elementary school (I think it was Cigar of the Pharaohs).  That has been my exposure to the character of Tintin.  But as the kids say these days, this track in particular from Tintin in Tibet, released on the Game Boy in 1995 really slaps!  Yes, it has that Game Boy sound chip and it could be a little grating on the ears, especially when listening through the mono speaker, but for Game Boy music, it is pretty damn good.  Or at least I think so, which is why I am sharing it with you all today.

This track, like the majority of the music for the game only plays during one section, when Tintin is platforming his way up a mountain in Tibet.  At times the music seems to suit for the scaling of a mountain while dodging giant snow boulders cascading down a mountainside, but for most of the time, it just comes across as overly dramatic.  In the hands of someone who knows what they are doing, and knows where/when to avoid exploding snow and deftly jump across frozen chasms wearing only sensible loafers, you would only end up hearing this song just less than two times.  On its own, however, I could probably listen to this track three or four times and not be tired of how much it sounds like Hans Zimmer composing on an 8-bit system.  

~JWfW/JDub/The Faceplantman/Jaconian

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