Wednesday, February 21, 2018

MIDI Week Singles: "Entranceway" - Shadowgate (NES)

"Entranceway" from Shadowgate on the Nintendo Entertainment System (1989)
Composer: Hiroyuki Masuno
Album: No Official Album Release
Developer: Kemko-Seika

While perusing online message boards, I came across a picture drawn of the layout of Castle Shadowgate.  As I read through the various rooms, specific memories came flooding back and while I know that this song, "Entranceway" is not played throughout the entire game, nor just in the entrance way itself, this song was playing through my head the whole time.  Additionally, although the game was originally released in 1987, when it was redesigned for the NES and released in 1989, music was written for the platform.

Something about this song screams Shadowgate, as if this one song could encapsulate the entire game; although the "Game Over" track comes in a very, very, close second.  And honestly, that is really all I have, or feel I need to say about "Entranceway."


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