"Beyond the Colosseum (Altar)" from Demon's Quest on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (1994)
Composer: Toshihiko Horiyama
Album: Makaimura Ongakutaizen
Label: Suleputer
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Demon's Crest, released by Capcom on the SNES in 1994 and included in the catalogue of Super Nintendo games on the Super Nintendo Nintendo Switch Online app is a game that I have been thinking a lot about recently, although I cannot explain why. I first played the game shortly after Nintendo released the SNES app on the Switch back in September of 2019. I played it for a bit, put it down, then picked it back up again after the first of the year, when I beat it. Kind of (but I already covered that in Monday's article).
The thing that struck me most while listening to the entirety of the music from Demon's Crest is how mellow and un Hell-like the music is. You would think that the music for fighting an undead dragon would be more climactic than what was written, but it works. And then the music for Stage 1, being the stage theme from just having killed said dragon, is "Beyond the Colosseum (Altar)." To me, it kind of sounds like something you would find in a Castlevania game post Symphony of the Night (which was released five years after Demon's Crest). Like several of the songs in Demon's Quest, this track is a lot more uplifting and heroic than what you might expect playing a demon fighting the hordes of Hell, although this is Firebrand's (Red Blaze) third foray against Satan/Phalanx so this is probably fitting as well.
~JWfW/JDub/Cooking Crack/Jaconian
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