Wednesday, April 15, 2020

MIDI Week Singles: "I've Learned How to Fly" - Wolfenstein: The New Order (PC)

"I've Learned How to Fly" from Wolfenstein: The New Order on PC (2015)
Composer: Mick Gordon
Album: No Official Release*
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Developer: MachineGames

Thinking about the reboot of Wolfenstein as Wolfenstein 3D in what later became the first-person shooter genre, there was not a lot in the way of story as you progressed through the game.  You were a prisoner of the Nazis, imprisoned in Castle Wolfenstein, and you had to escape.  There was no character development for William "BJ" Blazkowicz and no one else for him to interact with.  My history with Blazkowicz ends with Spear of Destiny and I have no knowledge of the events in Wolfenstein (2009), but in Wolfenstein: The New Order, there is a lot of Blazkowicz talking to himself during missions that almost come across in a way that he is reminiscing during the events in the game and he interacts with a whole host of characters, with Caroline being one of my favorites.

Why I decided for this song for the week, was that a few weeks ago I came across this event in the game where this song crops up and the events that happened, the dialogue between Blazkowicz and Caroline Becker, and how the music is used to amplify the entirety of the scene.  I would highly recommend watching that scene here because damn, I feel like it could very well fall into the category of cheesy lines, but with everything already mentioned, I just buy the delivery.  Just a quick bit of context, BJ Blazkowicz was infiltrating a Nazi compound to steal plans of a (not s0) secret Nazi helicopter program being carried out in London.  After a stupidly difficult battle against a "Heavy Robot," (spoiler, I had to turn down the difficulty on my fourth attempt with this boss) members of a resistance cell swoop down on hang gliders to the hanger, Caroline Becker being among them.

Granted, at least for me, the song by itself does not carry the emotional impact of the scene as a whole when played by itself, but it does conjure the scene itself, so that has it going for it.  Which is nice.

*Lastly, I say that this song is not on an official soundtrack release because it was not included on either the official soundtrack that was released or the featured songs album.  I am also not 100% sure if this the actual name of the song, but this title seems to be what the general consensus on YouTube seems to think that is what it is, so who am I to argue?

~JWfW/JDub/Cooking Crack/Jaconian

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