Systems: Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Release Date: October 18, 2005
I have a mixed history with F.E.A.R. My first exposure to F.E.A.R. was through the short machinima web series from Roosterteeth P.A.N.I.C.S. from 2005, and I realize that that would be like trying to gather what the Halo series is about from the first season of Red vs. Blue. I then played 32 minutes of the game on December 22, 2012 (thank you Steam) but had to stop after the first opening mission because I was feeling a little motion sick. Slightly afraid that I would have a similar reaction to my multiple attempts at playing DOOM II back in September 2012, I decided to shelve not only F.E.A.R. but the two DLC expansions and F.E.A.R. 2 that I had picked up as part of some bundle. I was a little sad at not being able to play these games that I had heard good things about (solid first-person shooter and scary). So after finishing Borderlands 2, I thought now might be a good time to go back to my earliest year on Steam and see what I had that I had not played or beaten yet, and thought I would give F.E.A.R. another shot. Well, after finishing the first stage and halfway through the second and feeling fine, I felt pretty relieved that I would now be able to play this game and likely the rest of the series.
Except after finishing the first three stages (As of this sentence I am starting on "Interval 03 - Escalation - Heavy Resistance," which is stage 3.2 out of 3.4), I am a little disappointed, but only in the similar way I was disappointed in Metro 2033 Redux. I think I was going into F.E.A.R. with the idea that it was going to be s first-person horror shooter, in that order, but instead, at least so far, it is a first-person shooter with paranormal elements. That is not to say that I am not having fun, but I wish that there was more in the way of horror than the occasional jump scare (boxes falling off of shelves, lights bursting, doors slamming), weird glowing masses (orbs?) floating above bodies, and a canibalistic villain leading an army of super soldiers that still go down with a well placed pistol shot to the head. I was not looking for a zombie shooter a la Left 4 Dead, or a survival horror like the first Resident Evil, but something in between. I think. I also feel like this is all a slow build, that there are strange things happening here and there while you hunt the canibal BBEG, but that is just the maguffin for what is really going to happen in the later levels. Or at least I hope so. There are times when I do question what is around the next corner in terms of enemies because I do not really want to die and restart from an auto-checkpoint; as opposed to save-scumming after every encounter.
But I do want to add that three stages in, I am very impressed with the enemy AI for the most part. Sure, they talk to each other on radios loud enough to hear down the hall so you have a general idea of how many enemies you might be facing, and it is very satisfying to take out a guard moments after he says, "Checking in, all clear." But the open areas, like an outside truck loading dock are places that can get very dangerous. I have had one enemy lean our from behind a crate taking shots at me while two more approach from opposite sides, hiding behind boxes, crates, or pallets while trying to flank me. Thankfully our main character has currently unexplained special powers that allow him to temporarily slow down time for 10 seconds and takes about 30 seconds to recharge back up to full; although you can use the ability while it is only partially charged.
I will continue to play F.E.A.R. despite being initially disappointed with the level of horror that I thought would be present, but as far as a first-person shooter goes, I am intrigued enough to keep moving and to see if there really is more to Mr. Bad Guy Canibal and floaty ghost girl and if they are at all connected.
~JWfW/JDub/The Faceplantman/Jaconian
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