Wednesday, July 6, 2022

MIDI Week Singles: "The Highlands Ambience" - Borderlands 2 (PC)

"The Highlands Ambience" from Borderlands 2 on every system between Xbox 360 to the Nintendo Switch (2012 - 2020)
Composer: Jesper Kyd
Publisher: 2K Games

A lot of the music in Borderlands 2 felt like it was supposed to be ambient, in the background, and unobtrusive as you traveled from one location to another across one map before gaining access to a new map.  To have an overly melodic piece of music while you spent nearly 30 minutes on a single mission in a single location while the sound of gunfire and pithy quips from Psychos and Goliath's raging at you could be a bit distracting.  So ambient music that fills the empty void of Pandora it is.

What stood out to me, and broke up the monotony of having to shoot those infernal stalkers and wormhole threshers, or having to drive around trying to find the most efficient route to Dr. Zeds' arm shipment was the occasional "heayh-heeeeeyyyyyyyyaaaaaaa" that happens at 1:35 and 3:18*.  It just kind of breaks up the loneliness (when playing solo) and made me wonder, who was up in the mountains yelling?  I do kinda wish that someone in-game commented about whomever it was that was yelling, because, to me, that was part of the landscape and location, not specifically just part of the music, but it is likely that the music was written long after the dialogue for the game was recorded.

But that is just me.

~JWfW/JDub/The Faceplantman/Jaconian

*P.S.  I am convinced that there was a similar yell in the first Borderlands, and I can picture it in my head, again wondering who the person was that was yelling and if they would make an appearance and again wondering that in Borderlands 2.  I could not find the specific music track though so maybe I just imagined it?

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