Wednesday, November 7, 2018

MIDI Week Singles: "Our New World" - Sid Meyer's Civilization: Beyond Earth (PC)

"Our New World" from Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth on the PC (2014)
Composer: Geoff Knorr
Label: 2K
Developer: Firaxis Games

I really was not quite sure what I was expecting when I first put on this soundtrack.  Having only booted up Civ. V a couple of years back, being the only game in the Civilization series that I have had experience with, I think I was half-expecting this music to be your standard ambient science fiction fare.  You know, music that would play in the background while you build your colony outpost on some backwater planet, strategizing (sp?) your civilization to greatness.  What I was not expecting was music that was as full of hope and fanfare that I found with a lot of the tracks here.

Composed by Geoff Knorr, of whom I apparently have not heard before did an amazing job with his portion of the soundtrack, composing 14 out of the 42 tracks.  I decided on "Our New World" because it reminded me of both John Williams (not just Star Wars, but John Williams' style when it comes to fanfares), and Gustav Holst, but at the same time it did not sound like Geoff Knorr was ripping off any one particular composer.  I guess, to me at least, it sounds influenced by Williams and Holst, but without sounding like the Star Wars soundtrack or an excerpt from "Mars: The Bringer of War" or "Jupiter: The Bringer of Jollity."

Now, I have no context for when this song is played during the game, but I feel like with all of the grandeur involved, that it is during a cut scene.  Perhaps after the colonizing ship sets down on a planet (maybe after some harrowing event because overcoming hardship makes accomplishments seem all the more memorable), the housing units are set up, the solar power generators are working.  Then the leader(s) of the colony climb up to a cliff/bluff/mountain/hill that overlooks the surrounding valley to look out on their accomplishment and their new world.  Or, the ship comes out of hyper space and this music is played as they begin their decent to the planet.  Either way, if I ever discover a new world, there is a pretty good chance that I will have this song playing in the background.

Won't You Come

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