Monday, November 5, 2018

Monthly Update: November 2018

Now that October is over, I am told that it is now NaNoWriMo, Movember, and November to the rest of us plebs.  And despite how few articles we got down to writing in October, there was quite a bit that I had actually wanted to talk about, mostly in the way of shows that Conklederp and I have been watching.  Hell, I even haven't gotten around to writing about Matt Groening's Disenchantment that we watched back in August.  But we finished with The Haunting of Hill House, nearly finished with American Horror Story: Apocalypse, and about 1/3 of the way through with Lore Season 2.  Not even to say anything about the second season of Castlevania that was released a week ago that we have not gotten around to watching, as well as the semi-good things that I have heard about Haunted.  I think a lot of this goes back to The Netflix Effect, and the fact that I am holding down a full time job (for the better part of this year), my first time since we started this iteration of our gaming site three years ago.

All of that being said, I am keeping busy dipping my whole leg into the free to play front with Arena of Valor and Paladins: Champions of the Realm after putting Fortnite on hold rather than sink another 100 hours into a game that I did admittedly put $9.99 into for the Season 5 Battle Pass.  But I do not see myself never playing Fortnite again, I will probably just wait until I like the look of the unlockable player skins for that season.  But for games that I have actually paid money for, after having my ass handed to me by what I presume to be the main boss (maybe not their final form though) in Battle Chasers: Nightwar with my characters at their maxed out level, I decided to take a short break and jump back into the world of Dark Souls.  This time around, I thought playing as a Deprived seemed like a good idea, and it really seems to only affect the early game against the Asylum Demon, but then as my humanity increased in Lordran I was able to pick up equipment that dropped as well as buying gear.  So I may or may not write a second review.  Speaking of loot drops, I also started in on Diablo III which came out last Friday and I know it is a six year old game, but I am definitely going to talk about it from the Switch perspective.  I also picked up The Way Remastered because it was on sale for a stupid low price and I had read good things about the game as well as the Switch port, so expect a review on that one coming up too (if I get around to finishing my review of Oxenfree anyway).  And in the world of Thimbleweed Park, I have found myself and all my characters stuck in an area that I cannot escape with no cell reception.  I have yet to use outside sources to look up how to proceed, but I feel like that time might be coming closer and closer.

And for games that are being released in November, there is the Diablo III port that releases today, as well as SNK 40th Anniversary Collection that will be released on the 13th.  If that last game doesn't mean anything to you, then perhaps these titles might.  P.O.W.  Ikari WarriorsCrystalisAnd for the appropriate games, it includes both the console port and the arcade version.  And it includes (at some point that I cannot remember) a free DLC with a couple of additional games.  Then there is the Brawlhalla early access (test?), and a bunch of other games that are too numerous to mention here.

And sadly, I have not had much play time with Dead Space 3.  Actually, most of my computer time over the last month has been on my breaks while at work.  This is mainly due to my parent's dropping off a number of boxes that I had been storing at their house while Conklederp and I searched for permanent housing and last month, they made the trek up with a U-Haul trailer and unloaded it into any room in our house that still had room for umteen number of boxes and totes.  I apparently had a very collective childhood.  But at least we have only had to purchase one additional bookshelf.

On the other hand, I did start playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on the PSP, which is part of the Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles that was released 11 years ago.  This all started while watching Instagram user GameTracks play through on Twitch, and in anticipation of the second season of Castlevania on Netflix, which I mentioned waaaaay up there.

But most importantly is that Dr. Potts and Jane are coming up later this week for nearly a week.  Their reason includes a number of reasons for their trip, but I am excited that we've found some time to hang out and act like the mature adults we are.  Right now, we're planning on seeing Willow in an old church turned movie theatre and will hopefully get in a round of Mansions of Madness, because I do not believe that I have talked up this game enough over the last four years.


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