Thursday, January 3, 2019

MIDI Week Singles: "Parasitic" - Twin Robots: Deluxe Edition (NS)

"Parasitic" from Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, & Steam (2018)
Composer: Levi Bond
Album: Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition Soundtrack
Label: Self Released / Bandcamp
Publisher: Ratalaika Games
Developer: Thinice Games

While most of the music in Twin Robots: Ultimate Edition is suiting for the game in that it comes across as background music, "Parasitic" was the track that stuck out to me as being particularly catchy.  The first two thirds of the song are fairly similar in tone to the previous two songs on the soundtrack, but once the piano kicks in at 1:29, that is when my ears perk up and I start really paying attention to the rest of the song, which makes the first two thirds of the song more important than they were before.

Or, at least that is the way that I feel about it, which is why I wanted to share it with you all today as the first MIDI Week Single of the year.  And after playing a number of games as part of #IndieXmas2018 that Levi Bond composed music for, I can pretty much guarantee you that we will be featuring more of his music on this feature throughout the rest of the year.


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