Monday, August 3, 2020

Monthly Update: August, 2020

So July happened.  Huh.

Thankfully/Fortunately? Conklederp and I do not live near downtown PDX, not because we are afraid of being graffitied, but because it has been pretty warm during the end of July that we have had to have our windows open (a lot of homes here do not have air conditioning, and our house doesn't even have any vents/duct-system installed).  And having tear gas wafting in through an already 80ish degree house with a sleeping two-month-old Goblino would be an unpleasant experience for all involved.  Plus I am sure our PCP would be annoyed at having to frequently treat a newborn baby with mild to moderate external and internal chemical burns caused by exposure to CS Gas.  But hey, all in the name of progress, right?

Just over a week ago, I finished (again) the first season of The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season on the Switch, then breezed through the 400 Days DLC and promptly jumped back into Season Two.  I have talked a bit about why I am replaying this series, but just to mention it again, because that is part of why we are here, is because the third season and my computer did not get along and I have not finished the series yet.  I am also playing through Golf Story for the first time and I do not know what it is about non-realistic golf games, but I would rather play something like this or Mario Golf rather than something closer to PGA Tour 2K21Realism is not something that I am looking for in a golf video game, kind of like Tecmo Bowl is to Americal football.

Back towards the beginning of the month, I put together a spreadsheet of all of the games in my Switch queue that I have not finished, which does include games that I have started but never finished for one reason or another, like Battle Chasers: Nightwar, Goetia, Darkest Dungeons, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.  I did this as a sort of self-check if only to show myself that there are a number of games that I can start without buying more games, although it can be difficult if something like Blasphemous or Catherine: Full Body goes on sale with a significant discount.  I guess I should give up hope on either The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass or Fire Emblem: Three House - Expansion Pass going on sale.

But you know, using the spreadsheet, I did select four games that I finished last month: The Sinking City: Deluxe Edition, Old Man's Journey, The Office Quest, and the first game in the Apocalipsis: Wormwood Edition; granted three of the four games could be completed in 1-5 hours and finishing The Sinking City opened up a lot of time I had been spending on that game to spend on others.  Maybe after I finish up Golf Story I will start in on either Mother Russia Bleeds or maybe, just maybe, I will finally give Night Trap - 25th Anniversary Edition a go because who doesn't love some good ol' FMV schlock?

Something that has surprised me over the last month is that I have not been playing The Witcher III: Wild Hunt much at all.  What I think this boils down to is that the game does not look as great on the TV so I instead prefer to play it in handheld, and since three of our four Joy-Cons are out for repairs (more on that update later), my only option is with the Pro Controller.  This means that the Switch screen is sitting on a stand, further away than it would be if I were holding it, and that makes reading text more difficult, especially since the text in TWIII:WH can be pretty small at times, especially in the inventory screen.

And yeah, Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 is 7:X weeks completed.  I was at first annoyed with how much water there was everywhere, but now I feel that there have not been enough changes to the map following the flood for it all to feel as interesting as it could have been.  Unless all of the water recedes and previously hidden and undiscovered underwater areas are revealed, which might be pretty cool. (Called it!) [This article was written between Monday, June 27th, and Friday, June 31st].  Ugh.

~JWfW/JDub/Cooking Crack/Jaconian

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