Friday, October 6, 2023

The Return to Dead Space Mobile


It has been just over seven years since I last played Dead Space Mobile and talked about it on our first review site.  So while browsing the Dead Space subreddit in July, I found a thread about this game and how to play it on current/most Android devices since the game was delisted several years ago and is unplayable from the game file if you previously purchased it.  With the APK file downloaded and running on my Samsung Galaxy S21 (this becomes important in a few sentences), I started replaying this gem of a Dead Space game.  I was not playing regularly, maybe once every week for the last five weeks since there was no hurry to finish.  Then I "upgraded" (which might be an overstatement as I discovered stuff about the Pixel 7a) my phone in mid-August, and promptly downloaded the APK file for Dead Space Mobile to play on this four-month-old smart cellular device.  Well, after I got through the download phase, the phone asked me if I was sure that I wanted to install this program since it was not from the Google Play Store, and I said, "Yeah, of course."  A few seconds later, the Pixel 7a told me that it could not install the game because the file was not compatible with my phone.


That notification lit a fire under my butt to finish Dead Space Mobile before I had to return my phone to AT$T or I would end up paying an additional $225, so playing Dead Space Mobile is what I am currently doing.  And, I am recording my playthrough which I may end up putting up on the Tubes, complete with notifications that occasionally pop up on my phone telling me that "There is motion in your bedroom," or "There is someone at your front door," or when someone replies to a Google Chat message.  And every time that this actually happens in-game, I am reminded about the sanity effects from Eternal Darkness, and how if Dead Space Mobile were to be remade specifically for mobile devices, that having in-game generated notifications pop up on the screen, blocking your view in tense situations would be amazing.  Maybe even have the game generate a notification that your battery was at 2% and was shutting down to preserve power, or somehow make it look like the game minimized and brought you back to your home screen.  I did eventually figure out how to turn off all notifications, but even then some snuck through somehow.

A lot of what I ended up saying came across as written commentary, which is something new for me, but I actually like it.  The idea is what I say will be an accompaniment to the video since a commentary-free longplay is really the ultimate form of Game EXP, at least as far as I am concerned.  And don't worry, there will be plenty of new insights and information this time around, and there will not be a rehash of that first seven-year-old article, because that would otherwise be a boring and pointless article.  Something, I assure you, we are against here at Stage Select Start.  (¬_¬)

Anyway, the point of this whole (short) ramblefest of a Friday article is to say that I will have a series of Game EXP articles up for Dead Space Mobile the entire month of October, broken down into two chapters per article, so stay tuned for those.  If all goes well, I should have a playlist of the entire game up on YouTube for your additional viewing pleasure, as well as linked in each of the articles.  I am only going to bring it up now rather than in every article, but there are going to be spoilers since we are doing a chapter-by-chapter look at this game.  So if that is something you want to keep spoiler-free, then we can see you on Wednesdays and then again in November.

~JWfW/JDub/The Faceplantman/Jaconian

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