Friday, March 2, 2018

Monthly Update: March 2018

And just like that it's March.  Completely bypassed Smarch this time around.  Lucked out there.

I'll be here all night folks.

Well, I feel like February inadvertently turned into a month long post about my coming up with, developing, writing, further developing, deleting, and more writing of a Dungeons & Dragons quest that I came up with earlier in the month.  And if you're not tired of hearing me ramble on, I have at least one more article, but will probably end up being two more.

With any luck then, I might actually get to writing my Game Review article for DOOM for the Switch, which I finished this last weekend.  I've told Conklederp that that game was a magnificent combination of being a stressful shitfest and an exhilarating ride through the exploding burning offal remains of half a dozen demons.  And the music, which we covered in a MIDI Week Single earlier in the year, was a great addition to the game that made me both dread strolling into large open areas, and at by the end of the ensuing massacre, made me feel super excited to be playing this ported game. 

I have also being working my way through The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and the other night I managed to make my way to/through a second Divine Beast.  I should probably talk more about this game but I feel like it's already made a few headlines here and there, so I may just talk about periodic updates during Monthly Update articles.  That being said (or not), I can see why this game is getting the heaps of recognition it has over the last year.

In other Switch news, I started Perception up earlier in the week.  The game has an interesting premise in that it is a first person exploration horror game, where the woman you play is blind.  Yup.  The mechanic, so far is pretty well explained and I am enjoying (being frightened) the first couple of hours and if I ever manage to write my way out of my own brain D&D storytelling habits, I might actually be able to talk about this.  Well, Perception and Bayonetta, which I also picked up (because who doesn't enjoy a $22 discount* on a two pack of fairly well received games?  After playing the first stage/area, I will say that while I am enjoying the tongue-in-cheekiness of the game, I am finding the voice actor for Enzo a little annoying with his Joe Pesci impression.  BUT, I do love the fact that Dave Fennoy is (currently) playing a prominent role in the game.

And just so y'all don't think that I'd forgotten, I am still playing Heroes of the Monkey Tavern, although I seem to have hit a wall where I am not sure how to proceed without killing off a number of my characters, one of which has a resurrection spell.  But it is still a very fund game that happens to be causing me a bit of stress.  But it's a good stress, or so the game is trying to tell me.

And I feel like that has been kind of it for gaming in February.  I am hoping to get the group together again for some D&D action in our current month.  I am a little sadly amused at how I have mentally put away my 3DS after the B-Button debacle occurred back in December, and I have still yet to attempt to fix the thing.  I also have not been playing much in the way of PC games, partly because in the last few weeks I have found that I have less and less time spend on my PC, which really speaks to the awesomeness of the portability of the Switch.  Speaking of which, I am going to close this up and either try to find that damned treasure that some punk-ass Goron kid left hiding somewhere, or just turn in a bunch of my spirit orbs.

See y'all on Monday.


*The discount came about from Amazon's 20% off new game purchase, plus we still had a 10% off "moving" discount from when we moved back in November.

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