Sunday, January 5, 2020

Game EXP: FFVIII - Disc 1

Just finished disc 1 and I really enjoyed it!  I think that everything plays really well.  You're given small missions to get moving, always ending up back at the garden.  The game let's you expand your reach slowly until you get involved in the big mission at the end of the disc, which introduces the new Antagonist and the larger plot.  The mission goes horribly awry, and everyone ends up in prison.

I think it really works, the pacing is great.  It works as a test for Squall's leadership skills, who he has to scramble to hold it together while the mission falls apart.  And Squall has to step out of his comfort zone a lot over the course of the disc.  It's clear he is introverted and kind of a jerk, but he also has a strong sense of duty, so he steps outside himself in order to help his team. He's still a jerk, but he is trying.  

Great Disc 1.  

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