Monday, March 2, 2020

Monthly Update: March 2020

Well, March is now upon us and the only left to do is come up with something snarky for the opening sentence of this thing that Dr. Potts and I have been doing for nigh on eight years.  But this all started so that we could keep in communication with each other and the rest of you are just along for the ride.

Yeah, you're right, that's too rude.  If you're reading this, then I'm glad you're here.  February was a helluva month, especially in terms of workload.  I work for an accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, HR company and because businesses are required to have their taxes from the previous year submitted to the IRS by March 15th (March 16th this year because the 15th falls on The Lord's Day), unless an extension is filed, our office and specifically my caseload has been slammed.  Conklederp and The Kid can attest to the number of times I've stayed late at the office, sometimes until 8:30pm, which means a lot of the time I would spend either playing games to write about or finding time to write articles has been significantly less of late.

But we are not here to hear me kvetch, so let's get down to copper brads then.

I feel that the majority of my Switch time in February was spent playing just a handful of games, some related to #IndieSelect titles both past and present, but also titles that I have been wanting to start and finish.  So all games I guess?  I finished The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (through GOG's Galaxy Client) at the beginning of the month and I will be posting my article on that on Friday, but immediately after finishing the game, I started up The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (which was on the Switch).  At present (and I do not apologize if we lose any of our reader base), but after 25 hours, I have played the in-game card game Gwent all of four times.  I am also having some issues with the combat in the game, specifically determining distances when attacking, and I am still getting used to the new mechanics to the series like jumping, equipment durability, having Roche at your beck-and-call, and SO.MANY.SIDE.QUESTS.  But more on that when the First Impressions article comes out, possibly next week.

I am also in the process of finishing up Outlast 2, which may or may not be finished within the week.  Believe it or not, I am still playing Fortnite a little bit each day, usually two to three games just to complete a couple of challenges before calling it, and I have been playing the hell out of Pic-a-Pix Pieces, which was a previous #IndieXmas title.  I sadly have not found a lot of time to play Wolfenstein: The New Order, again because of lack of at-home-computer-time and if it is a question of playing a game or writing an article (or researching for one), I am probably going to write that article like I am doing right now.  I also picked up DOOM (1993), and DOOM II (Classic) for the Switch as they were both on sale (along with DOOM 3) on the Switch for $1.49 and I thought maybe trying DII on a smaller mobile screen might help with the FPS.  The sale by Bethesda in anticipation of the March 20th release of Doom Eternal, which also has given me a hankering to replay the 2016 reboot of DOOM; although this time around I think I will play it on Easy (I'm Too Young To Die) as I already beat the game on Normal (Hurt Me Plenty) with the exception of the Cyberdemon fight, which I had to turn down the difficulty on the second part of that boss fight after a great number of attempts.

Lastly, I did pick up Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete over on GOG for a couple of reasons.  First and foremost, the game was on sale for fewer than $5, I really like Obsidian as a developer, I loved the first game (although never finishing the Hordes of the Underdark expansion), and it is a Dungeons & Dragons game and figured it would be a good way to pass the time when I was able to boot it up on my laptop.

Moving on to other media, The Clone Wars over on Disney+ has started its long-awaited seventh and final season after being canceled after season five back in 2014.  We are currently two episodes into the final season, and about half or two-thirds of the way through the current arc, so I am going to wait until the entire season is finished before talking about it more.  I will say that with The Bad Batch, I know that they were a planned part of the show when it was canceled, but to wrap of loose ends from the series after it was canceled, it seems like an odd choice to introduce an entirely new batch of Clones, even with part of the story surrounding Clones that we met back in season 1.  I am also fully introducing Conklederp to The Clone Wars series, which is growing more-and-more on her as the series progresses; we just finished The Second Battle of Geonosis arc; I still submit that "Landing at Point Rain" has some of the best camera work from the entire series.

And our D&D venturing into Ravenloft is continuing nicely.  My Halfling Wild Mage Sorcerer Lurien is currently level 5, with bright blue-tinged skin (due to a wild magic surge), recently cured of lycanthrope, and is leaning towards being some mix of a pyromaniac and pyro-mage.  Time will tell. But first, we need to loot the bodies of the druids we just killed (they took over a winery and attacked us before we could ask any questions).

I think that might be about it really.  I plan on finishing Outlast 2, continuing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Pic-a-Pix Pieces, and I did in fact restart DOOM because why the hell not!?

~JWfW/JDub/Cooking Crack/Jaconian

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