Wednesday, March 31, 2021

MIDI Week Singles: "Wario Puzzle - BGM 3" - Super Mario's Picross (SFC)


"Wario Puzzle - BGM 3*" from Super Mario's Picross on the Super Famicom and Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online (1995)
Composer: Toshiyuki Ueno
Album: No Official Release
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Ape Jupiter

I love picross puzzles.  Ever since, I think, Pokemon Picross on the 3DS, then My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (also on the 3DS) I have been a sucker for this genre, although I have not purchased any picross games because my brain is still telling me that "They're simple puzzle games and I don't know about spending money on them when I could just play them for free so I will just wait for another free game or demo to be released, and hey Super Mario's Picross was added to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online app!!"

Anyway, the context to all of that is that I have impressed myself with the Wario puzzles.  The context on that is that there are two sets of puzzles, Mario and Wario.  On the Mario puzzles, you have the option to fill in some of the puzzle from the start, as well as giving you penalties when you fill in the wrong square, and you have a 30-minute time limit.  On the Wario sets of puzzles, you do not have a time limit and nothing is corrected or penalized if you fill in the wrong square, so the only way of knowing if you mark the wrong square is if the squares do not line up with the clues along the side of the puzzle.  All of this context is to point out that I end up spending a lot more time on the Wario puzzles, often agonizing over a single filled-in square, so I am more familiar with the Wario music.  This particular track I love because it reminds me of a lullaby and is more calming than some of the other tracks, although none of them are really high energy.  I just enjoy this piece when it is playing and is a perfect track to fill out a 20x20 puzzle that ends up taking just over 30 minutes.

~JWfW/JDub/The Faceplantman/Jaconian

P.S.  *Because there is no official soundtrack, I decided to create the title myself.  The "Wario Puzzle" because it is from the Wario set of puzzles, the "BGM" because that is the menu option for selecting which music you want to play if you do not want the track that the game automatically selects, and "3" because this is the third of currently three available tracks.

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