Friday, June 14, 2024

Steam Summer 2024 NextFest


Well, Steam's Next Fest of Summer 2024 is wholly upon us and I don't really have recommendations for you in the way that other sites will tell you that these are the top 25 demos you cannot miss this time around.  The thing is, yes, there are a lot of games that will release/activate their demo during June 10th - June 17th because everyone else is doing it.  But since last big "Next Fest" there have been smaller showcases of games that all fit a particular profile.  Polish Games!  Women Made Games!  Sim Life Games!  You get the idea.  And during those often week-long periods, demos will often become available.  The downside though, is that because it's Steam developers/publishers can have their games automatically updated and any short-term demos will become unplayable.  I had this happen with the demo for What the Car? a week or two back, but now it's back, so you can play the demo at least until Monday, June 17th.

All of this is to say that I have in fact downloaded several demos that we will cover next month.  But, if you're at all interested in playing along with us (really just on your own...along with us) we have the following demos with the intention of playing them:

There'll probably be other games that I try out before Monday (or not) and currently, I have played four of the games, but not to the level of completion that I tried to complete games during the last NextFest.  We'll see how many I can get to before then how many are taken offline and how many are connected to additional promotions and may last a little bit longer.

~JWfW/JDub/The Faceplantman/Jaconian
Grass Below You, Sky Above

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