Wednesday, July 12, 2017

MIDI Week Singles: "They Haven't Seen Us" - Crimson Shroud (3DS)

"They Haven't Seen Us" from Crimson Shroud on the Nintendo 3DS (2012)
Composer: Hitoshi Sakimoto
Developer:  Nex Entertainment

I am a bad Internet person and I will tell you why.  Up until a few minutes ago, I was convinced that this song, "They Haven't Seen Us" from the amazingly designed Nintendo 3DS eShop game Crimson Shroud, was one of the battle songs, but after a bit of searching, I could not find anything linking this song to any of the battles.  Maybe it is the fact that this song, composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto (Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy XII, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, Vagrant Story) sounds so much like a lot of what makes him great, that I just assumed that I had heard this song before during a battle.  To me, is screams, "They haven't seen us ye...OH BLOODY HELL THEY'VE SEEN US!  TO ARMS!  But first, roll for initiative."

Something else that is impressive about the music from Crimson Shroud is that the music in the game is very high quality.  I cannot recall much if any degradation between what my lowly peasant ears hear coming from the game and what appears to be (because I cannot read Japanese much/at all) a live recording orchestra, gaQdan.  And now listening to the music again, makes me want to go back and actually try and complete the last battle, which was a doozie of a fight, especially with my already limited health potions; maybe it's off to GameFAQs for me.  Or maybe I should try and level up once more and hope I don't have to heal during that monster of a fight?

Either way, great classic music-ings from Hitoshi Sakimoto.


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