Friday, August 24, 2018

What It's Like Being A Bad Nintendo Fan

Yesterday while on my break, I was browsing the Nintendo Switch subreddit and came across a post about what Nintendo was going to be bringing to PAX Prime (or PAX West I guess).  So I clicked to open up the tweet, and my honest to Michael Bublé reaction was "Huh.  I absolutely care about none of these games."  For those who have chosen not to click, the games highlighted on the official Nintendo of America's Twitter account were (in this order), Smash Bros. Ultimate, Pokémon Let's GO, and Super Mario Party.

There was also an ". . .and more" to be presented at Nintendo's booth, but since there was no official word on what those more games are, I see no point in speculating (cough-cough, 1080 Snowboarding, cough-cough).  But for me, none of the first party games mentioned interest me.  I have never been into Smash titles (the two or three times I have played them on Game Cube).  I did not really like whatever Mario Party game(s?) was on the N64 and as all of the other titles seem to be similar iterations of the same premise, I see no point in acquainting myself with Super Mario Party for Switch.  And while I still do play Pokémon GO quite a bit, I find myself not really interested in the premise and mechanics behind Pokémon Let's GO.

This got me thinking a bit.  I have not been excited for a Mario Brothers game since New Super Mario Bros. on the DS, and before that, the last Mario Bros. title that I enjoyed was Super Mario World.  There is something about 3D Mario games that just has not stuck with me.  Do I actually like Nintendo games?  Sure, there is Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe but aside from that, I cannot remember the last time I bought a first party Nintendo game.  I was then overcome with a mild to moderate feeling of guilt, that while I love Nintendo products, maybe I don not like Nintendo games?  That was when I decided to look at Nintendo EAD and Nintendo EPD's list of games.

Nintendo EAD
Sure, I already mentioned the Mario Kart series, and the Legend of Zelda series, and New Super Mario Bros., but there does not appear to be much else.  I've never felt drawn to Animal Crossing, Splatoon, Nintendogs, although Pikmin does look somewhat intriguing, but unless there is a rerelease, that ship might have proverbially sailed long ago.

Nintendo EPD
Okay, yeah, The Legend of Zelda series again, and while I haven't played a Star Fox game since Star Fox 64, I still like the idea of the series.  I also love the idea of Nintendo Labo, but I recognize that I am not the target demographic and I do not know if we need cardboard peripherals around the house.  And, if I had not already been playing Metroid II: Return of Samus on my 3DS (and had my 3DS B button not decided to crap out on me), I probably would have picked up and tried out Metroid: Samus Returns.  The same goes for WarioWare Gold on the 3DS, but And that seems to be about it.  

Maybe, my lists may not be exhaustive and I would rather not just list games, which is something that I have already done.

I guess you could say that my preliminary conclusions is that I do enjoy Nintendo's products and platforms, but their first party games, I am interested in maybe 25%.  That is not a great percentage of interest, but I have not done an actual calculation to figure out what the real percentage is based on the developer, which might be something that I do at a later date, but for now I will continue to feel just a little bit guilty in my lackluster interest in the games that Nintendo is presenting during their trade show circuit.


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