Saturday, March 2, 2019

Podcast Review: The White Vault

The White Vault is a story podcast that I stumbled onto using my podcast software - Castbox.  It is a horror podcast, which I am enjoying thoroughly.  The story takes place in an arctic island north of Norway, where a team of scientists arrive to repair a damaged transmitter at a Scientific Bunker.  Naturally things don't go so simply.

The story definitely uses a lot of great horror tropes: isolation, extreme weather in the arctic.  There is an ancient horror that has a really wide effect, causing problems without direct involvement of the monster.  There's lots of psychological stress as the logically minded people come to grips with the fact that their dealing with something supernatural.  I love all of these things.  Also: the writer seems to understand the innate horror of human teeth outside their proper context.  

The voice acting is fantastic, and the characters are each from a different nation, so there are bits of non-english languages throughout, including German, Spanish, Russian, Finnish and more.  I think it adds dimension to the story.  In general, the characters are nicely fleshed out before the creeping horror consumes all of the action.  This drew me in and made me care about them, increasing the intensity of the threat.  

The show is still in production, having completed a second season on 2.10.  It seems as though it may continue, though I think this would be a find point to end the story.  

Writer: K.A. Statz
Producer: Travis Vengroff

The White Vault Cast Page


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